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Updated: 2024-08-25

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Sunday, November 14, 2021

The plan to go to Thailand in 2022 is more than a wish, a necessity has now also added.

Pia talks a while over the phone with her youngest sister Moue, where we have been sleeping in Bangkok in recent years.
Pia's family has a few pieces of land and it has been the intention for a few years to sell one of those pieces. And that seems to happen now, there is a serious buyer.
Pia must also give her permission, just like her brother and sisters. That should not only be done orally, but it must also put a signature on the sales agreement. That does not necessarily have to be as soon as possible. February 2022 is fast enough.

Pia sends a message to our regular travel agency Nethai with the question of what is possible at the end of January or early February 2022 and what that should cost.
In the evening there is a message from Nethai that they will send information.

Written on: 2021-11-15


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